Kelly Hall is a sophomore at Gibson Southern High School. Kelly is a part of the Lady Titans soccer, swim and track teams. She is also a part of Gibson Southern High School’s Sunshine Society and FCCLA Club, so she stays busy. Hall previously attended Owensville Community School from kindergarten through eighth grade. Hall enjoys spending time with her family and friends whenever she gets the chance.
Southerner: What kind of music do you like to listen to?
Hall: “Mainly country, I feel like I relate to the songs better and I like a lot of the artists.”
Southerner: What is something you like to do outside of school?
Hall: “I like to play sports. I play soccer, swim and track. It keeps me really busy and in shape.”
Southerner: What’s your favorite holiday?
Hall: “Probably Halloween because I get to hang out with my friends and scare people.”
Southerner: What’s your favorite fast food chain?
Hall: “I would say Dairy Queen because it’s right next to the Fort (GSHS soccer stadium by Fort Branch Community School), so I can go there after practice. And, I like ice cream.”
Southerner: What’s your biggest fear?
Hall: “Stink bugs. I can’t stand stink bugs. I had a traumatic experience where one flew at my head, so I don’t really care for them.”
Southerner: What is something you’d change about Gibson Southern?
Hall: “School lunches, having things that taste better.”

Southerner: Who’s your favorite teacher?
Hall: “I would say either Mrs. Veria or Mr. Obert. Mrs. Veria because she was on our London and Paris trip, so I got to know her, and Mr. Obert because I can have a casual conversation with him.”
Southerner: What’s one song you will always remember the words to?
Hall: “I would say ‘I Know You’ by Meagan Moroney because even though you’re not friends with a person or you’re not with the person anymore, you still know how they are. I feel like I can relate to that song.”
Southerner: If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
Hall: “I would wish for my family to be fortunate, to keep all the friends I have and to grow stronger bonds with other people.”
Southerner: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you travel?
Hall: “I would say going to the Maldives because it’s very tropical, and it’s a literal movie scene.”
Southerner: What are your thoughts about Holiday World?
Hall: “I love all the rides, and the food is amazing. But, I wish the water park stayed open longer.”