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The Student News Site of Gibson Southern High School

The Southerner

  • January 21GSHS Prom is Saturday, April 12.
  • January 21Spring Break is March 24 - 28.
  • January 21School is in session on Monday, February 17.
The Student News Site of Gibson Southern High School

The Southerner

The Student News Site of Gibson Southern High School

The Southerner

Sophomore Eli Dant

Eli Dant, Reporter

Eli Dant is a sophomore who enjoys playing sports and hanging out with friends and family. His favorite sports are lacrosse and basketball. Eli’s favorite things to do during his free time is play pickleball with his girlfriend and grandparents. He has five siblings: Hannah, Natalee, Chandlyr, Makayah and Reed. In an already crowded house, Eli has three dogs: Rigs, Boston and Rimmy. A great night for Eli is watching his favorite movie, “Fast and Furious,” while eating chicken on the beach from Lupe’s Mexican restaurant.

All content by Eli Dant
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