GS Theatre Department teases Spring Musical


On Friday, the cast of the upcoming 2020 Matilda production put on a performance during halftime of the varsity boys basketball game with the goal of tastefully teasing their performance and increasing attendance during the March 13, 14 and 15 shows. 

The performers have been preparing for over a week specifically for the halftime teaser, as well as months for the show.  

“This will be my third year participating in a musical and performing during halftime,” junior Lexi Walker said. “I think it’s a good way to spread the word and get people interested in coming to the show in March who wouldn’t normally think to go to something like that. It also gives us a little motivation for the actual show” 

Sporting events gather a different crowd than the theatre performances do. The goal of the halftime show is to spark an interest in those who wouldn’t normally watch a Vaudeville or musical performance put on by the Theatre department, as well as striving to get more people involved with the program each year. 

“I think it’s a good opportunity to perform for a different crowd than we normally get if we perform for an empty audience during rehearsals,” senior Steven Day said. “The halftime show has a very different feel than just standing on a stage without an audience. The crowd makes the performance more nerve wracking, but also more rewarding.”

When the performers put on their teaser at the game Friday, they received applause from both sides of the gym. Gibson southern supporters as well as Wood Memorial backers could see the talent it took for these students to put on their performance. 

“It felt nice to see that our hard work was paying off when the crowd was on their feet,” Walker said. “There was a lot of hype in the gym and even though there were some missteps along the way, I think it really was a wonderful performance.”