Though Rybachek is a new face at Gibson Southern, she is no stranger to a classroom. She is beginning her first year at Gibson Southern as the new study hall aide. She helps to ensure that students who attend a study hall period during the day are moderated. Being a mom of three herself, she knows how to keep kids in line.
Southerner: What is your official job title?
Rybachek: “Study hall aide.”
Southerner: What did you do before coming to Gibson southern?
Rybachek: ”I was a substitute teacher, mostly working at Owensville.”
Southerner: Why did you decide to come to Gibson southern?
Rybachek: “It’s just something different.”
Southerner: What is something you like about working at Gibson Southern so far?
Rybachek: “Getting to see all the kids throughout the school day.”
Southerner: Why did you decide to take the role of high school study hall aide?
Rybachek: “I’ve been subbing for a few years, and I just wanted to try something different than subbing for now. I like it; it’s nice. It’s been pretty easy so far. Most of the kids are pretty good.”
Southerner: What’s the best part about being the study hall aide?
Rybachek: “Just getting to see all the different kids throughout the day; it’s been pretty easy.”
Southerner: What’s your favorite movie/TV show?
Rybachek: “I would have to say ‘CSI.’ I just like the mystery.”
Southerner: How would you like to be remembered after your first year at Gibson Southern?
Rybachek: “I guess I would like to be remembered as nice. Nice but firm.”
Southerner: What do you like to do in your free time?
Rybachek: “I like to spend time with my family.”
Southerner: What pets have you had/do you have?
Rybachek: “I don’t have any pets right now. As a kid, I had dogs, but I have family members now that are allergic, so I can’t have them anymore. I’m more of a dog person.”
Southerner: What does a typical day look like for you?
Rybachek: “Just hanging out in the study hall room.”
Southerner: What do you like to do/you do on the weekends?
Rybachek: “I like to catch up on TV shows and hangout with my family.”
Southerner: What has been the biggest change you have made in your life, either professionally or personally?
Rybachek: “Having kids, I have three kids.”
Southerner: How old are your kids?
Rybachek: “They are 16, 14 and 10 years old.”
Southerner: Where did you go to high school and college?
Rybachek: “I went to high school at Miland Indiana. I did go to college at Indiana State University, but I didn’t finish.”
Southerner: What was your major in college?
Rybachek: “Elementary education.”
Southerner: What was your dream job as a child?
Rybachek: “Becoming a teacher.”
Southerner: What is your favorite thing about your position?
Rybachek: “It’s pretty easy. It gets boring, but it’s very easy. I just sit here most of the time. I usually read or something like that.”
Southerner: Do you have any hobbies?
Rybachek: “Camping, I like to go camping.”
Southerner: Where do you like to go camping?
Rybachek: “I go anywhere in New Harmony just for a quick trip. My favorite would be Spring Mill State Park though.”