Over the summer of 2024, Titans from all grades embarked on a journey to London, England and Paris, France. Titans started seeing flyers for the trip in September 2022, inviting them to come to a call-out meeting in the auditorium for more details about the trip, and everything they wanted to know.
“There was a meeting in 2022, you would go to the meeting if you were interested and then to sign up you would email Jared Grigsby,” junior Mark Stunkel said.
The trip was through EF Tours, the same company being used in 2026 for the Spring Break trip to Barcelona and Madrid, Spain. EF Tours is a company that specializes in student trips, a reputable travel company for schools, prioritizing safety, value and the kind of learning that prepares students for the future.
“The tour guides were really good,” Stunkel said. “They knew what they were doing and took us where we needed to go.”
The travelers started by flying out of Indianapolis. One group flew into Chicago before heading to London. Another group left later, flying into Philadelphia and then to London. Upon arrival, the Titans were jet-lagged but ready to get their trip started.
“Everyone was a little bit tired, but we got through it and were all excited to get going places,” sophomore Kelly Hall said.
Titans started their trip In London, experiencing things like Camden Market, afternoon cream tea, the National British Museum, the Tower of London and much more.
“We also got to go to a multitude of markets, which would have to have been one of my favorite parts,” junior Mykenna Frizzell said. “Just getting to walk around in this bustling, busy place of so many cultures and people was so beautiful.”
To the surprise of many, the travelers were treated to a performance of the musical “Wicked.”
“In London, we got to see a real British theater show, ‘Wicked,’” Frizzell said. “And, if you think normal theater is dramatic, try sitting quietly while people are yelling in British accents.”
After London, Titans took the Eurostar to Paris, where they spent the second leg of the trip, visiting the Louvre, the perfume museum, the Eiffel Tower, and more.
“My favorite part was climbing the Eiffel Tower, being able to overlook the entire city, being able to look at each landmark in Paris,” junior Carson Agee said.

Looking back on the trip, Titans think of the memories made and how the experience broadened their world views.
“It was an amazing trip, one that cannot be topped,” Agee said. “Going with my friends, and fortunately my parents, who were chaperones, is something I don’t think can be replicated.”
From a variety of different foods, fresh pastries and days of more than 24,000 steps, the trip was a success.
“Deep down, I knew this trip would be one to change people’s lives, but I was nervous about taking 65 travelers to a foreign country,” trip organizer Jared Grigsby said. “However, the chaperone team was amazing and our students were exceptional. Our group was praised repeatedly by the tour directors, Patty and Simona, and they even requested to be our directors for the Spain trip.”
This was Grigsby’s first time to take students out of the country, having previously chaperoned trips to New York City and Orlando, Florida.
“I cannot thank the parents and school administration enough for trusting me and my chaperones to provide this experience to so many students,” Grigsby said.