Olivia Alston is a junior at Gibson Southern. She is an officer of the International Thespian Society, Troupe #5623; vice president of the Art Club; treasurer of the Student Council,; a member of Beta Club, the Crochet Club, Sunshine Society, Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities and plays in varsity golf. She was part of the 2024 spring musical “Mama Mia” and will be a part of Vaudeville 2024. She played basketball and track and field her freshman year.
Southerner: What is something that you take pride in?
Alston: “My ability to bring people together. I like to talk to everybody and not judge anyone, and it makes it a lot easier and comfortable for me to make friends. It makes people more comfortable being friends, and that helps connections with other friendships.”
Southerner: If you had to pick a favorite class that you’re in this year, what would it be?
Alston: “Absolutely, 100 percent, AP Environmental Science. Ms. Toth is amazing, and I just really love the subject. It’s really interesting to have a class that actually talks about what is going on in the world.”
Southerner: What is your dream goal to achieve when you get older?
Alston: “I want to be happy and successful but not so much with money, but with connections and people and a family. I just want to be mentally set and everything and have a happy environment. I don’t care as much about materialistic things as opposed to that.”
Southerner: Have you played any sports, and if so, what is your favorite sport you’ve played?
Alston: “So, I’ve done kind of anything that I could ever try, but my favorite is definitely golf. I like it because I have a phenomenal coach, but I really like it because I get to play with my grandpas. It is the best time. It’s just such a bonding moment, and I get to spend as much time with them as I can.”
Southerner: If you could choose one travel destination to go to, with an infinite budget, where would you go and what would you do?

Alston: “I want to go to Australia and see the Great Barrier Reef because I want to snorkel there. I think it would be really cool to see all of the life.”
Southerner: What is something you think you´ll take out of CEO to apply to your everyday life?
Alston: “The importance of networking, people,and keeping good connections with everybody because you don’t know who is going to end up as a valuable person in your life and in the future.”
Southerner: If you had to pick one bike or car, what would you get?
Alston: “This is a tough one. A Kawasaki H2R is a really great bike, and it can go 230 mph easily and is just such a pretty bike.”
Southerner: Have you volunteered any, and if you have, what did you do?
Alston: “I do it all the time. I work with a nonprofit organization called Youth Resources of Southwestern Indiana, and we go do all sorts of volunteering and service projects like soup kitchens or going to elderly peoples’ houses and helping them rake leaves. I do all sorts of service and stuff like that. I also just help anyone with anything they ask me. If anyone needs help, I try to help them the best that I can.”
Southerner: What is your most frequently used or favorite emoji?
Alston: “I like the little sparkle emojis because you can make something fun and sparkly. It adds a little pizazz to what you’re saying.”
Southerner: What is a big world problem that you’d like to change?
Alston: “I wish that everybody wouldn’t judge people like they do. I wish that it was more brought to attention to just love everybody for who they are and to spread more awareness about that. I just wish that we could fix that because everyone is so cruel, and a lot of the time, you’ll miss great people just because you judge how they look. Just getting past that stigma of doing that would change everything and help so many people out, too.”
Steve [email protected] • Oct 11, 2024 at 8:13 pm
my granddaughter is a wonderful person, alwayssmilingandupbeat. Never let’s anything get her down! I am so proudofher achievements but mostly her kindness and caring toward others. Never loose that smile. Love you.