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The Student News Site of Gibson Southern High School

The Southerner

  • January 21GSHS Prom is Saturday, April 12.
  • January 21Spring Break is March 24 - 28.
  • January 21School is in session on Monday, February 17.
The Student News Site of Gibson Southern High School

The Southerner

The Student News Site of Gibson Southern High School

The Southerner

Wings are good.

James Hirsch, Sports Reporter

James Hirsch is a junior sports reporter on the newspaper staff. James is a member of the Titan football team. He enjoys hunting and fishing. James is the third of his siblings to attend Gibson Southern. James is a diligent worker when it comes down to the last minute of when the assignment is due (but his teacher’s may argue otherwise). To his friends, James is most of the time known as “James David.”

All content by James Hirsch
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